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Training the Mind to Focus – One Step at a Time

by | Jan 19, 2022 | guided relaxation, Meditation

When you take a few steps back and let your mind rest, you can train it to stay focused. This, in turn, will help you be more mindful, aware, and be as productive as you always wanted to be. 

That said, technology has taken over every aspect of our lives. With multiple screens competing for our undivided attention, it’s no revelation that we’re constantly distracted. Whether it’s that work notification, that social media post, or just a friendly reminder to drink water, we are always staring at our screens. This is one of the biggest reasons we can’t focus. According to a smartphone usage behavior survey conducted by the Pew Research Center, 48% of the participants admitted going online several times a day.

What makes our mind restless? 

The mind is restless due to multiple factors and technology is not the only thing to blame. Our lifestyle – or the poor choices we make daily- is also a major contributing factor. So if you haven’t been paying heed to what your mother’s been saying, it’s time you do so. Eat full meals on time – several times a day, don’t forget to exercise, get at least 8 hours of sleep each night, and make time for meditation. 

Other reasons include lack of interest, vitamin deficiencies in the body, hyperthyroidism, or chronic depression. If you feel like your restlessness has taken over your life and that it interferes with basic tasks, it’s a good time to get in touch with a doctor. 

However, if you feel like you have it under control and wish to improve your concentration, you can try the following tactics: 

How to Train Your Mind to Focus 

Meditation practices

Among several meditation benefits, improving focus and concentration is also one. If you’re never dabbled in meditation techniques, you can start with focused meditation. Get into a comfortable position and relax your body from head to toe. If you have other things that you need to attend to, keep that aside for later. Be here and present fully and start by breathing deeply.. While doing so, don’t be afraid of failing or your mind drifting away. Always come back to the present moment, focus on your breathing and your target. If you feel like this isn’t your cup of tea, you can always start with a 10-minute guided meditation for focus

Let nature help you 

It may have only taken you a quick walk outdoors after a long tiring day to rejuvenate your senses completely. Yes, nature can work miracles for you! It allows you to be in tune with yourself, to let go of stress, and in turn, make you more creative and focused. Being one with nature also helps improve cognitive ability. A study conducted by Gregory Bratman from Stanford University showed that the group who went on a “nature walk” instead of an “urban walk” came back feeling less anxious and generally more positive. Ergo, a happy mind can focus and concentrate longer. 

Take breaks 

Yes, you deserve it. Don’t beat yourself up for wanting to take a breather. Ask a creative person how often they take breaks, and the answer will probably surprise you! If the brain doesn’t get excited and is forced to work on a particular thing for hours without a break, it stops registering a sight, sound, or feeling. So, when you’re creating a timeline for work, remember to chalk out some time to rest. 

Get physical

Get your heart pumping and keep the endorphins flowing. Engage in some or any form of exercise that works for you. It’s essential to stay fit every day, whether that’s putting in an hour of intense training at the gym, running a mile, walking at a slow pace, or practicing some mindful yoga. While releasing endorphins, you’re also making your memory sharper and becoming mentally more engaged. 

Play games 

Find yourself a quiet corner and a table and buy jigsaw puzzles, crossword puzzles, scrambles, and other memory games. With time, you’ll find that you’re not as fidgety or restless, and you can spend more time completing these sorts of games with ease. 


When you train your mind, the activities that consume our time today get dropped off. We are freed from the constant struggle of juggling between our needs and wants. With meditation practice, we see a shift in our outlook/consciousness thereby we become more selective in our tasks. Our energy is spent in activities that rejuvenate us than deplete us.

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